Thursday, August 13, 2009

You are now running on reserve battery power.

We're leaving in a little over 24 hours... the message seems strangely foretelling. 

So just to fill you in, here's the rundown:

We still do not have a complete itinerary, Adam bought a $700 tripod which he is now returning after gaining some, *ahem*, perspective, and not a single thing has left the shopping bag it came in to be packed. Adam got an iPhone and I have made myself sick 3 times already by playing with it too much in the car, where I will be spending the next month. The first leg of the trip is a non-stop 1700 mile leg, and we will get anywhere from half a night's sleep to no sleep from now until August 17th.

We have not even left yet, and have already surpassed our high-end budget. This is where anyone looking to hire in late September should enthusiastically email me about the opportunity. Hah. 

Also... welcome to our blog.


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